Rookie Rugby for Communities

Get Started Today


Learn the Game

Download resources such as the Rookie Rugby Resource, marketing materials, and more!


Connect Locally

Get in touch with your local Rookie Rugby Representative who can provide training and support, additional resources, and advice on starting rugby in your club.


Get the Equipment

Rookie Rugby kits provide you with everything you need for your classroom’s rugby sessions. Get rugby balls, flag belts, and cones from the official Rookie Rugby store.


Log Activity

Already running Rookie Rugby? Log your sessions in our national tracking tool!

Rookie Rugby is the perfect activity for any community. The program fits perfectly within different community organizations such as YMCAs, Boys and Girls Clubs, Parks and Recreation, and many more! Starting your Rookie Rugby program is easy, fun, and will bring great benefits to any organization.

Community Rugby Programs

The greatest thing about Rookie Rugby is that it fits into any program format. Decide which format works best for your organization:

  • Multi-Sport Option – Rookie Rugby fits in as a great option for a multi-sports camp. The curriculum can be adapted to fit into a few hours, one day, or even a week!
  • One Day Clinic/Camp – Once your members experience a taste, they will want more rugby! Provide a full day of games and competition in a clinic or camp format.
  • Multi-Day Camp – Playing rugby over a few days will allow participants to further develop their skills and experience proper game-play. Use the current curriculum or pick and choose the games that fit your needs!
  • League – Flag rugby leagues are a ton of fun and can be played over a number of weeks.

Connect with Rugby Clubs

Rugby clubs have been partnering with community organizations all over the country to help provide materials, equipment, and volunteers to help run Rookie Rugby programming. Many community programs serve as feeder programs into rugby clubs and existing leagues. Contact your local Provincial Sport Organization (PSO) to get in touch with a local club that can work with your organization.

Rookie Rugby is an easy to play game for all ages! The rules are simple, and minimal equipment is required.

Copyright © Rugby Canada • All rights reserved

Log Activity / Journal d’activité

Log Activity

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  • Please provide a brief summary of the session and any additional information relevant for reporting. Things to include could be the number of volunteers present, types of resources provided, and follow-up/next steps.

    S'il vous plaît fournir un bref résumé des séances et toute information supplémentaire pertinente pour les rapports. Quelques options à inclure pourraient être le nombre de bénévoles présents, les types de ressources fournies, et les prochaines étapes.

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